The objective of this one-day workshop is to investigate
opportunities in accelerating analytics workloads and data
management systems which include
traditional OLTP, data warehousing/OLAP, HTAP, ETL, Streaming/Real-time Processing,
Business Analytics (including machine learning and deep learning workloads), and Data Visualization, using modern processors (e.g., commodity and specialized
Multi-core, Many-core, GPUs, and FPGAs), processing systems (e.g., hybrid,
massively-distributed clusters, and cloud based distributed computing
infrastructure), networking infrastructures (e.g., RDMA over
InfiniBand), memory and storage systems (e.g., storage-class Memories
like SSDs, active memories, NVRams, and
Phase-change Memory), multi-core and
distributed programming paradigms like CUDA/OpenCL, MPI/OpenMP, and MapReduce/Spark, and integration with data-science frameworks such as
Sklearn, TensorFlow, or PyTorch. Exploratory topics such as Generative AI, DNA-based storage or quantum
algorithms are also within the preview of the ADMS workshop.
The current data management scenario is characterized by the following trends: traditional OLTP and
OLAP/data warehousing systems are being used for increasing complex workloads (e.g., Petabyte of data,
complex queries under real-time constraints, etc.); applications are becoming far more distributed, often
consisting of different data processing components; non-traditional domains such as bio-informatics, social
networking, mobile computing, sensor applications, gaming are generating growing quantities of data of
different types; economical and energy constraints are leading to greater consolidation and virtualization
of resources; and analyzing vast quantities of complex data is becoming more important than traditional
transactional processing.
At the same time, there have been tremendous improvements in the CPU
and memory technologies. Newer processors are more capable in the
compute and memory capabilities, are power-efficient, and are optimized for multiple application
domains. Commodity systems are increasingly using
multi-core processors with more than 6 cores per chip and
enterprise-class systems are using processors with at least 32 cores per
chip. Specialized multi-core processors such as the GPUs have
brought the computational capabilities of supercomputers to cheaper
commodity machines. On the storage front, FLASH-based solid state
devices (SSDs) are becoming smaller in size, cheaper in price, and larger in
capacity. Exotic technologies like Phase-change memory are on the
near-term horizon and can be game-changers in the way data is stored
and processed.
In spite of the trends, currently there is limited usage of
these technologies in data management domain. Naive exploitation of
multi-core processors or SSDs often leads to unbalanced systems. It
is, therefore, important to evaluate applications in a holistic manner
to ensure effective utilization of CPU and memory
resources. This workshop aims to understand impact of modern
hardware technologies on accelerating core components of data
management workloads. Specifically, the workshop hopes to explore
the interplay between overall system design, core algorithms, query optimization
strategies, programming approaches, performance modelling and
evaluation, etc., from the perspective of data management applications.
The suggested topics of
interest include, but are not restricted to:
- Hardware and System Issues in Domain-specific Accelerators
- New Programming Methodologies for Data Management Problems on Modern Hardware
- Query Processing for Hybrid Architectures
- Large-scale I/O-intensive (Big Data) Applications
- Parallelizing/Accelerating Machine Learning/Deep Learning Workloads
- Autonomic Tuning for Data Management Workloads on Hybrid Architectures
- Algorithms for Accelerating Multi-modal Multi-tiered Systems
- Applications of GPUs and other data-parallel accelerators
- Energy Efficient Software-Hardware Co-design for Data Management Workloads
- Parallelizing non-traditional (e.g., graph mining) workloads
- Algorithms and Performance Models for modern Storage Sub-systems
- Exploitation of specialized ASICs
- Novel Applications of Low-Power Processors and FPGAs
- Exploitation of Transactional Memory for Database Workloads
- Exploitation of Active Technologies (e.g., Active Memory, Active
Storage, and Networking)
- New Benchmarking Methodologies for Accelerated Workloads
- Applications of HPC Techniques for Data Management Workloads
- Acceleration in the Cloud Environments
- Accelerating Data Science/Machine Learning Workloads
- Exploratory topics such as Generative AI, DNA-storage, Quantum Technologies
- Unistore: Towards Building an HTAP Database Service in the Cloud,
Chen Luo, Senior Software Engineer, Snowflake, and Zechao Shang, Senior Software Engineer, Snowflake
Chen Luo is a Senior Software Engineer at Snowflake and one of the founding members in the Unistore team. In the past few years, he has focused on the storage management for hybrid tables, including transaction manager, compaction, columnar storage etc. Prior to Snowflake, he obtained a PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Irvine, where he worked on optimizing LSM-trees in database storage engines.
Zechao Shang is a Senior Software Engineer at Snowflake. He works on Unistore, an HTAP product. Before Snowflake, he was a postdoctoral scholar and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at University of Chicago. His research focused on graph databases, transaction processing, and query optimizations.
Unistore is a new capability in Snowflake for managing transactional and analytical data together in the same cloud platform. At its core is the Hybrid Table, a new Snowflake table type that delivers both fast, concurrent single-row write operations as well as efficient complex analytical queries. The hybrid table is built on top of a new storage engine leveraging both NVMes and cloud storage to power HTAP workloads. It is deeply integrated with the Snowflake architecture to provide a seamless user experience to customers. In this talk, we will deep-dive into the Hybrid Table storage architecture, and share our lessons and experiences from building an HTAP database service in the cloud.
- Introductory Remarks
Keynote: Unistore: Towards Building an HTAP Database Service in the Cloud
Chen Luo and Zechao Shang, Snowflake
- Bandwidth Expansion via CXL: A Pathway to Accelerating In-Memory Analytical Processing
Wentao Huang, National University of Singapore, Mo Sha, Alibaba Cloud, Mian Lu, Yuqiang Chen, 4Paradigm Inc., and Bingsheng He, Kian-Lee Tan, National University of Singapore
- Can Delta Compete with Frame-of-Reference for Lightweight Integer Compression?,
Julia Spindler, Technical University of Munich, Philipp Fent, CedarDB, and Adrian Riedl, Thomas Neumann, Technical University of Munich
- Optimizing Sorting for Chiplet-Based CPUs
Alessandro Fogli, and Peter Pletzuch, Imperial College London, and Jana Giceva, Technical University of Munich
- Ghostwriter: a Distributed Message Broker on RDMA and NVM,
Hendrik Makait, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Bonaventura Del Monte, Observe Inc., and Tilmann Rabl, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam
Workshop Co-Chairs
For questions regarding the
workshop please send email to
Program Committee
- Bulent Abali, IBM Research
- Adwait Jog, University of Virginia
- Rajaram Krishnamurthy, AMD
- Ju Hyoung Mun, Brandeis University
- Selim Tekin, Georgia Tech
- Chinmayi Krishnappa, Oracle
- Allison Holloway, Oracle
- Qiong Luo, HKUST
- Peter Hofstee, Delft University and IBM
- Rathijit Sen, Microsoft
- Lawrence Benson, HPI
- Paper Submission: Monday, 24 June, 2024, 9 am EST
- Notification of Acceptance: Friday, 19 July, 2024
- Camera-ready Submission: Friday, 2 August, 2024
- Workshop Date: Monday, 25 August, 2024
Submission Site
All submissions will be handled electronically via EasyChair.
Formatting Guidelines
We will use the same document templates as the VLDB conference. You can find them here.
It is the authors' responsibility to ensure that
their submissions adhere
strictly to the VLDB format detailed here. In particular, it is not allowed to modify the format with the objective of squeezing in more material. Submissions that do not comply with the formatting detailed here will be rejected without review.
As per the VLDB submission guidelines, the paper length for a full paper is
limited to 12 pages, excluding
bibliography. However, shorter
papers (at least 6 pages of content) are encouraged as